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COP26, a shot in the arm for green Mercat

31st Oct 2021
COP26, a shot in the arm for green Mercat

By Simon Bendle, Mercat Storyteller

We may have one foot in the past at Mercat Tours – but our sights are set firmly on a greener future. We’re just as proud of our efforts to help the environment as we are of our award-winning Edinburgh history and ghost tours. And that’s why – like so many others in Scotland and around the world – we will be following events closely at the Cop26 climate summit in Glasgow.

No greener way to enjoy Edinburgh

The Cop26 meeting – short for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties - starts this weekend and runs till 12 November. It’s seen as crucial to bringing climate change under control. And it could lead to big changes to our everyday lives, such as a faster switch to electric cars. So, there is no better time for all of us to take stock of what we have done so far and redouble our efforts for the future.

We’re lucky at Mercat. Walking tours have always been at the heart of our business, and there’s surely no greener way to enjoy Edinburgh than on foot. But that’s just part of our story. Sustainability has been central to everything we do since day one. Every day we strive not just to reduce our negative impact on the world, but also to actively work towards improving the environment.

Good for you, good for Edinburgh

Guided by our Environmental Charter, we take waste-reduction and recycling seriously – in 2020 our small team recycled 234kgs of paper, cans, plastic and cardboard. Our leaflets are printed on recycled paper with vegetable-based inks. We are part of the Bike2Work scheme, a simple way to have both a healthier environment and healthier staff. It’s great when these initiatives are rewarded. We’re so proud that the Green Tourism Business Scheme has given Mercat its gold award every year since 2012.

But the Cop26 summit is a reminder to us all that more must be done if a climate catastrophe is to be avoided. Much more. And without delay. It’s time to act.You can buy tickets for our green history and ghost tours today!

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