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Our Stories, Your City Celebrates 1st Birthday!

17th May 2023
Our Stories, Your City Celebrates 1st Birthday!

'Our Stories, Your City' is a project close to the heart of all at Mercat and Grassmarket Community Project  

We're THRILLED to be celebrating an amazing success on our 1st birthday!

Here is a glance back at our story, told in three chapters;

  1. 2012; Mercat Tours and Grassmarket Community partnership established.

  2. 2017; Mercat Tours team refreshed our 'WHY', what bonds our work and our team - 'to make meaningful connections through storytelling'

  3. 2020; the profound exclusion forced on us all by the COVID 19 pandemic gave a far deeper understanding of 'exclusion' - from life, choices, opportunities and connections.

This led to the spark of an idea...That Mercat Storytellers can reconnect vulnerable communities with their city through storytelling tours ....paid for by visitors' donations .... supporting local Living Wage jobs in the process. A win win for all!

We believe that - through our work and visitors’ buy-in - we can break down barriers, promote respect and equity, reduce harm, and improve social wellbeing through ethical, responsible tourism.

With the hard work of our exceptional team it was made possible with Scottish Government funding - our project launched in April 22.

Emerging from the pandemic and a cost of living crisis meant we'd know idea what to expect.

1 year on, the results show that our partnership and belief in storytelling inspires visitors to donate to reconnect the disconnected in a dignified, human way where all receive a 5 star experience equally.  You'll see the success in our report here.  We're incredibly proud and grateful.

Plans are already in place for Phase Two! Learn more here and, of course, donate to join the 'Couthie Fowk' ;).  

"I cannot thank Mercat enough. It blew my mind."  Sean, GCP Member and Mercat pal

"In 4 years of guiding thousands of visitors, this audience has to be the most important - it was a privilege"   Margaret-Ann, Mercat Tours Storyteller


GCP, Couthie Fowk donors, Partners, Mercat Team - thank you!

Kat Brogan, MD Mercat Tours, May 2023


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