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The Wizard and The Water Closet...

21st Mar 2014
The Wizard and The Water Closet...

Deep in the mists of time when I first joined Mercat tours, a plastic cauldron was passed around the eager trainees and in it were the names of stories we were to learn for our first storytelling session.

On my piece of paper were the words Major Weir.

This, I learned, is the tale of an old man, a former soldier and captain of the city guard, a charismatic preacher and a real Edinburgh worthy.  A man never seen without his strangely carved wooden staff and a man considered blessed by the angels. 

So far so good. 

However, one day Major Weir confessed to sins that I cannot possibly mention here, you will have to go on the Hidden and Haunted Tour to discover more and find out how this story ends; believe me it’s not pretty. This was no angelical preacher but a wicked wizard who sold his soul to the devil whilst on a day trip to Musselburgh.

It is still my favourite tale, so imagine my delight when I read recently that the Major`s house in the West Bow, believed demolished during the development of Victoria Street, has been rediscovered. 

Where is this infamous site to be found? 

The toilets of the Quaker Meeting House. 

Somehow there is poetic justice in that.  That is why I love this city and this job: the stories are so wonderful you really don't need to make them up.


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