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Time to Toast the Summer

1st May 2015
Time to Toast the Summer

For May is Whisky month, the month to raise your glass with a slainte mhath, and appreciate the glory of our national drink. Whether a smooth single malt, or a blend with a dash, there’s a whisky out there for everyone, and an event to tantalise every taste. From World Whisky Day to The Edinburgh Stramash, the uisce beatha (water of life) will be flowing freely throughout May, including here at Mercat Tours.

For the first time, we are offering whisky as one of our complimentary drinks on our Evening of Ghosts and Ghouls tour. We knew where to look when we were searching for the right dram: we went to Dewars

Like Mercat, Dewars is a family run company, offering knowledge and experience passed down through the generations. 

Founded in 1846, Dewars may be our seniors by some 150 years, but the ethos is the same.  Take all that’s good about Scotland; its traditions, its heritage, and introduce it to a wider audience: tell its story, and you’ll find a new world opening up before you filled with unexpected secrets.

It also seemed fitting that we offer a whisky here at Blair Street Underground Vaults as we have a little shady history connected with our favourite tipple. It would seem that in the nineteenth century an illicit still (a type of illegal distillery) operated within our walls, producing thousands of gallons of rough, firewater whisky: certainly not of the standard we serve here now!

There are many similarities between history and a good dram. Sometimes it can be dark, and sometimes surprising. But once you acquire the taste, you can’t help but come back for more.

Why not come along for An Evening of Ghosts and Ghouls, where you can experience both?

I am the notification bar, pleased to meet you.